Module 2 : Forum Discussion : Institute for Historical Review

Institute for Historical Review:

One of the methods of evaluation of the website would be to look at the media articles.   A number of the articles were not what I expected to see on a website that has the term Institute in its title.  I was also did not expect to see that the Executive Director was banned to enter Britain. and that the Yale Daily News dropped an ad from the Institute for Historical Review.

Here is a link to a Reuters article and to the explanation from the Yale Daily News.

1)  Reuters article about banning Mark Weber from Britain

2) Explanation from the Yale Daily News about the

After reading both of these articles, I knew that the website was not to be trusted.

Another technique is to read articles on the website posted by the Institute’s staff.  Mark Weber is the Executive Director of the Institute.  He has written a number of the articles posted on the website.   I took a look at Mr.  Weber’s article on Biden at  The article began as if Mr Weber was going to summarize a speech Biden gave in 2013.  However, Mr. Weber began a sentence stating that  “Biden might also have mentioned……” which gave me pause.  I also noticed that the author cited to his own article without mentioning it in the text of the article.  At that point,  I realized then I needed to know more about the Institute and turned to  Wikipedia for a quick read. After my quick read, I knew again that the Institute for Historical Review’s website was not to be trusted.